
As deep as a puddle after a hard rain

Another Day, Another Post About Broken Shit

9/28/2024 | 0 comments | News

I noticed a couple of weeks ago that the site nor ExpressionEngine were loading correctly on Chrome. It looked fine in Safari and mobile platforms though. When this has happened in the past, it usually means the hosting company updated the php version and fixing the problem was a simple matter of reverting back to a previous php version while things magically synched up. This time around that didn’t work and that essentially exhausted my ability to trouble shoot the matter.

Since I don’t post very often, while the brokenness bugged me, it wasn’t enough to get me to worry too much about it.

Until today. Why today? Well, with October just days away that means that Writetober is around the corner. For those of you not familiar with Writetober, that’s when, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in October, you write something, anything and share it with the fine folks participating in the monthly exercise. This is done via email but for years I also posted the some of the writing exercises on the blog. So, with that motivation firmly in mind, I set about reinstalling EE. I’d decided if that didn’t do the trick I’d finally switch to WordPress. I keep thinking I should because I have this idea that it would be less of a hassle to maintain. Why I think this, I’m not sure since I’ve never actually used WP enough to be familiar with it. The few times I’ve tested it out, I’ve not gotten past being confused as to how to update templates. A fact that embarrasses me seeing as how I pride myself in being a little bit tech savvy.

Regardless, the install fixed the problem but created others. Because of course.

I’ll repost some old entries - the good thing about inconsistently blogging for the past couple of years is that reposting content won’t take very long. Silver linings and all that jazz.

But at least things are working well enough to actually be able to post something so that’s the main thing. Gotta be happy with the little things because sometimes (often?) you only get little things coming your way.

Don’t Call It a Comeback

1/22/2016 | 0 comments | News

I have been here for years. If by here we mean the world wide web and not this blog or this domain specifically. I moved away from the blog for reasons that I can’t now remember and took to micro-blogging on Facebook and then Google+. And while I certainly have enjoyed the social aspects of those networks, I have missed the ability to really write, to do the brain dumps, the emotional word therapy that got me through much of the 2000s. I have also missed the creative outlet that coding and designing the blog (and sites) allowed. Granted, I don’t by any means harbor any grand delusions that I became a master coder or designer but it was fun to learn new coding tricks or to see something on the web that I had dreamt up and been able to give life to.

So, when Miss Bliss and Jules told me that they were reviving their blogs and asked if I wanted to join in on the fun, well, how could I say no?

It’s taken a little while to really get this back up and running, however. Being without a laptop (since March 2015) was a bit of a challenge and I had to get over the need to start over from scratch. To let go of the idea of bringing this back bigger, faster, stronger because, quite frankly, that sort of perfectionism is just the killer of dreams sometimes. So, I dusted off some old code, some old css (circa 2006, thank you very much) and here we are. I’m going to try and focus on the words for now. Maybe when I am able to get a nice shiny Mac again, I’ll shift some of the energy back to the coding, to tinkering with the behind the scenes stuff but for now this works. I have a box to type in, you have a place to comment if you wish. The rest will get sorted along the way.

So, thanks as always for reading. And let’s see what comes of it, shall we? I have stuff to say. Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading it again.